Are you living in the Past, Present, or Future? Here's how you can Flourish in the Now

Do you ever find yourself dwelling on the past or worrying about the future? As people we have thousands of thoughts per day, which add up to billions of thoughts over a lifetime. The problem is many of these thoughts running through our heads can be negative, unproductive, and downright repetitive. This can lead to stress, anxiety, or depression. Where we focus our thoughts can have a significant impact on our mental health, self-worth, and overall happiness. In a perfect world, we’d probably want to be thinking happy thoughts and having highly effective patterns of thinking. In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of thinking about the past, present, and future, along with a step-by-step exercise you can try to help you take control of your life and begin spending your mental energy……better! 

The Situation: Assessing where you spend your time 

When I reflect on the amount of time I used to spend thinking about the past, present, and future…. I’d probably say my split was 30% in the past, 20% in the present, and 50% in the future. In other words…..i’ve been pretty absent minded — replaying unproductive thoughts in my head (and this is definitely still a work in progress for me).
The amount of time you spend thinking about the past, present, and future can have a range of psychological, emotional, and cognitive effects. In other words, the content of your thoughts, as well as your individual mindset and circumstances can have a big impact on your overall well being. 

Each mental state is a double-edged sword with positive and negative effects. Here are the pros and cons of each mental state: 

Thinking about the Past can lead to:

Pros: Self-reflection and learning from past experiences. We can gain insights about our past actions and how we can make changes to avoid or improve them in the future. 

Excessive dwelling on past mistakes or regrets can cause stress, anxiety, and depression if left unchecked. 

Thinking in the Present can lead to:

Pros: Mindfulness and increased self awareness. It encourages you to be fully engaged in the here and now. 

Ignoring the time needed to reflect and plan for the future, which causes suboptimal decision-making and unwanted consequences for tomorrow.

Thinking about the Future can lead to:

Pros: Setting a clear vision that will provide your life with purpose and direction (your North Star). Planning for the future gives you more certainty and a way to track your personal development goals.

Cons: Excessive worrying about the future that results in elevated anxiety and stress. It can also take away from your inner peace and time spent pursuing your goals.

What is your mental split? 

Now in your own life, what is the percentage of time you spend thinking about your past, present and future? Is the time you spend in those mental states a productive use of your time? Only you will know the answers to these questions, which will allow you to be more intentional with how you manage your headspace.

Here's a 3 Step exercise you can try: 

1.  Observe your own thoughts
2. Pick a percentage of time you want to spend in each state
3. Be intentional about how you spend your mental energy 

Rinse and repeat: once you are aware of your mental space it now gives you the ability to make incremental improvements to your thinking patterns. 

How to Rebalance Your Mental Energy: 

My ideal state would be to spend my time thinking 20% in the past, 60% in the present, and 20% in the future. The reason is because (for me) I can fall into the thought loop of fixating on negative experiences in the past, and worrying excessively about the future without actually taking any action to do something about it (a vicious mental cycle that can be very unproductive). 

In an effort to rebalance where I spend my time thinking, I’ve been practicing mindfulness. Mindfulness is the act of being fully present and aware of what we are doing and where we are. The power of presence enables me to focus on tasks that help to improve my chances of a better future. I would argue that it’s best to spend most of our time in the present because it allows us to be intentional with our thoughts. On top of that, the journey of being present allows us to have clarity and a sense of control over our own time, energy, and actions. 

In Essence: 

The relationship between thinking about these three mental states is complex because reflecting on the past can influence how you approach the present and plan for the future. Additionally, we may have individual differences in our tendencies to focus on the past, present, or future, and these tendencies can be influenced by personality traits, cultural backgrounds, and life circumstances. What's beneficial is to develop self-awareness and mindfulness to be more deliberate and constructive with your time. The key is to find a mental balance that works for you so you can continue on the right path. 

Within Letter for Better, my purpose is to join you on your journey towards self-mastery and improved mental health. If you think this article could make a difference for someone else, please consider sharing it with them :) 
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